Monday, January 25, 2010

Mountain Trails and Airport Terminals

I spent this weekend with an amazing group of ladies from Dunwoody Baptist, wrestling in the Word among the North Carolina mountains. The ride up was on a winding road (do they call those 'switchbacks'?) while the route back was a little straighter but slowed by heavy rain and high winds.

We studied HOPE. Couched in the words of Psalm 27:13, I shared life markers where God has taught me (and is teaching me) significant things. I celebrated that God is more than worthy of my trust, more than capable to take the horrific and turn it to His greater good. We danced around in Isaiah 40 -- the middle, the end, and then got back around to the beginning.

I ended with a reminder to be an Ebenezer collector . . . to mark times and experiences that God reminds you, "Thus far I have helped you" (see story in I Samuel 7).

What made the time even more amazing was the ladies! I met lots of new friends, but was blown away by the 'old' ones who made the effort to be there. It was SO affirming (and a little intimidating). I don't know why I didn't anticipate that I'd be speaking in front of some of my mentors from way back when but, know what? Once I 'got over it,' I truly felt the power of the Holy Spirit to speak His truth with His boldness. Whew!

The adventure didn't end at the Hinton Center. Spending seven-plus hours in the Atlanta airport waiting to get home was something else as well! I hopped between three different terminals and the Crown Room, trying to find someone who would send this Saints fan home (yep, even wore my #26 jersey to show my affection for My Boys!). The weather held up planes all over the eastern coast, making it impossible to leave before 10:50 p.m. C-R-A-Z-Y! But that craziness included watching the first half of the game in the concourse . . . watching a part of the third quarter in the Crown Room ("ma'am, I know I'm not a member but my husband is and I've been waiting over five hours . . . .) and then finishing up the game with a passenger play-by-play as we waiting on the plane for over an hour and she got phone reports from her daughter watching the game at home.

Who knows what God will use to pump you up? A weekend of power in the Word . . . an evening of nail-biter football . . . or the New Orleans Saints going to the Super Bowl for the first time in its franchise history? I'm glad it all happened because it ALL pumps me up!

1 comment:

myra said...

WOW! this post reminded me of many things. The not so fond memories of being stuck in airport terminals in winter snow storms and the fond memories of you and your wisdom! thx for sharing! i need to couch and crouch and dance in those passages myself. it has been a long road, i very long rd. one i hope to share with you one day. ever in and around Nashville tn, give us a holler, we'd love to host you or have you or Allen speak. We need the words and wisdom here in McTown Tn! love you both dearly!!