Monday, February 11, 2008

It's foggy out

Actually, it was foggy out this morning, not tonight. I didn't expect it to be foggy, though. I hadn't heard that the fog was coming so I was a little surprised when I turned the corner while jogging to see fog covering the old Berry field. I didn't think much about it my first time around, but as I came up on it the second time, I started analogizing (is that a word? it is now!).

I feel like I've been living in a fog for a while now. I'm seeking clarity on what I should be doing, focusing on whether there's a job out there I'm supposed to be earning money doing, or if it's okay to keep volunteering at stuff I love and feel purpose-filled doing.

At first sight, Berry Field was covered with fog but, as I continued jogging, I saw that in the far left corner, the fog was lifting and I could see through to the other side. I couldn't see through the entire field, just in that far left corner.

And then it hit me. That's just like God, isn't it? He gives you glimpses of what you should be doing so that you'll keep on doing something but He doesn't usually show you the whole picture. Apparently that's unnecessary, and maybe even a bit scary. The fog lifts just enough, but not completely.

I don't know if there's a job out there calling my name. I suppose if there is, I'd best be faithful at the stuff I'm committed to at this point, so I can get a good recommendation from the folks I'm volunteering for and with. Sure, I'd like some financial appreciation every now and then, but then again, I do get some financial appreciation every now and then, so I suppose I really am more content than I sometimes acknowledge.

The fog may not be completely gone, but I'm glad that it's at least lifted in the corner for today.

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